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The Power of Simple Soap and Water

When it comes to keeping hands clean, washing them thoroughly in warm soapy water is more effective than hand sanitizer. Why is soap and water, better than hand sanitizer? Covid19 is protein with a fat coating on the outside. Think of that as a steak. It is also...

Medical Alert: Coronavirus

In accordance with Australian Public Health advice, IMMEX asks that any individuals who begin experiencing respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) and have recently travelled to China or had contact with someone diagnosed with the novel coronavirus...

How to Avoid Catching the Flu

1. Get a flu shot It is important to get the influenza vaccination in autumn each year to continue to be protected, since it takes a month to work and may wear off after 3 to 4 months. Flu strains (types) also change over time. 2. Wash your hands In addition to...

What is a Pre Employment Medical?

Why do Pre-Employment Medicals? Identify high risk candidates before they are your responsibility. Help you manage your OHS risks and responsibilities. Assess the physical ability of a candidate to perform a job. Identify past or current injury or illness that might...

Psychological Pre-Employment Screening

Recently we have been approached by a number of our Local Council client organisations to discuss psychological screening for a range of positions that directly involve Public Compliance. This has arisen because of concerns about risk assessment, rapid turnover...